Revival for the Church

In January 2016 the Lord gave me a prophetic word for our church:

Revival begins with Family
Revival begins in Family
Revival is coming in our Family
Revival will come as we build our Family
Revival will flow from Family
Revival is for us to enjoy
Revival is for us to share
Revival for our town is God’s ultimate purpose
Revival begins with Family.

The question was asked at an Elder’s meeting, what is revival?

One of my new books, (a recent gift), has the following, which I thought might initiate interesting dialogue.

Revival is the spiritual resurrection of a person, congregation, region or nation that has lost its first love and grown cold to the passion and purpose that blazes in the heart of God.

Revival is the rebirth of consecration and devotion in the lives of those who have grown complacent and have been compromised by a lifestyle that has become encumbered by the cares of this world.

Revival is the restoration of the power of God to the people of God.

Revival is the recovery of the great purpose of God; that is His kingdom would come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matt 6:10).

Revival happens when the people of God awaken to the realisation that Jesus is everything and this world offers nothing that can compare with the riches of complete devotion to Him.

Revival is the personal and corporate encounter with God in which the cumulative and convicting work of the Holy Spirit reaches a fever pitch.

During revival, the humble recognise the call of Jesus and respond to it without reservation.

Revival Culture, Michael Brodeur, (excerpts from the Introduction)
