Roll call

Roll Call

Why is it when there’s a spiritual need in the church the majority of people who respond are women?

When I look around the church, I find myself asking where are the men? Sure, there are men sitting in the seats, but that doesn’t make them part of the church. I would define the church as a group of people who are passionately active in faith. So, sitting in the seats doesn’t necessarily qualify you as the church. Observer, yes; consumer, yes; obstacle, maybe… plus, most painfully, a spiritual absentee.

The Word of God declares men to be the head, (check out Ephesians 5:21-33.) This looks like men taking the lead by inspiring and connecting others, ensuring God is honoured and followed. Men are designed by God to be the creators of solutions — but God wants men to find spiritual solutions first, not practical ones!

We are in a time where our families and community need God-fearing men to take their position as spiritual leaders. Men, your family need you!

For you to be the spiritual leader you need to be, it requires one thing; you must fall in love with a Man. If only men would find the Man who loves them first, they would know it was safe, powerful, and manly to love Him also. This Man is Jesus Christ.

Friends, brothers, we can only love others out of the love we receive from Jesus. Therefore, to be our best, to be the spiritual leaders our family and community needs, we must get giddy in the heart and soppy in the head over the Man who wants to be the first love of our lives.

How do you fall in love with a Man? It’s the same as when you first fell in love with your school-boy crush, your car, your job, or your wife. You spent so much time together that all you could think about was the object of your affection and devotion. Do you remember those days? Do you remember that feeling? That’s what Jesus deserves and what is best for you. Are you ready to fall in love with a Man called Jesus?

Your world will change when you get on your knees. Spend time in worship and devotion with Jesus as your focus. Reading the Bible (or having your phone read it to you) is one fantastic way you can get close to Jesus. When you give Jesus your heart you also give Him your desires. That will change you for the better!

The plus side is, guys, you will change your world when you allow Jesus to be the first love of your life. Your capacity to love others and serve them will expand in proportion to your devotion to Jesus.

Go on. I dare you. Fall in love with a Man called Jesus.


**Originally written and published for Promise Keepers HERE