Sabbath Rest

Sabbath Rest

Sometimes the Lord needs to use a megaphone to get my attention. The way He does that is to bring something to my attention multiple times over a short period of time. I guess it’s His way of shouting at me to divert my attention off myself and back to Him! 

I sense the Lord is trying to get our attention, (not just mine), as He speaks about the importance of the “unforced rhythms of grace” in our lives. This phrase comes from Eugene Peterson, (author of The Message), as he attempts to convey the wonderful invitation Jesus makes for us to live our lives in partnership with Him. “Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls,” Jesus says in Matthew 11:29 (NLT)

The gift God has given us to find rest for our souls is the gift of Sabbath rest.

The gift God has given us to find rest for our souls is the gift of Sabbath rest. This is how we learn to live in the unforced rhythms of grace. But how horrible we are at doing this! (I speak with the authority of the ‘chief-sinner’ here.) Life moves frenetically, and we are on the rollercoaster wondering how we ended up twisting and turning through life at a mad speed. 

Sabbath is a gift from God and was given to us to ease our burdens in life, not make it more troublesome. Jesus taught that Sabbath was made for mankind, and that we can live the life He has for us by taking His lead. (See Matthew 2:27-28

Sabbath is a gift from God and was given to us to ease our burdens in life

In the Hebrew mindset there is a deep meaning behind the command to observe Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11). The Hebrew word, Shabbat, is best understood as a time set aside to stop working, but the work ceases so that the devotee can concentrate solely on the spiritual aspects of life. When we sabbath, we reconnect ourselves with God. 

Sabbath is a gift from God and was given to us to ease our burdens in life

Pete Scazzero is a teacher on this subject and one I am choosing to learn from. (See more resources at Pete has a wonderful free download on Sabbath which you can access, but here are the four key elements that he teaches. A sabbath helps us to: 

  • STOP to trust God 
  • REST from work 
  • DELIGHT in our world 

As a way you might discover more, I suggest you read Hebrews 4 as a devotional passage. Seek the leading of Holy Spirit and ask Him to reveal Truth to you. As you do, I’m confident the Lord will meet you and commune with you. 

Seek the leading of Holy Spirit and ask Him to reveal Truth to you.