Seek peace and prosperity.

Peace and prosperity both seem elusive for many families at the moment, but then there is God.

Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper. Jeremiah 29:7 NIV

Jeremiah 29:7 gives me hope that despite the difficult times there is a solution, and the solution is us.

As sons and daughters of the Most High God we are not only image bearers, we also walk with His authority, we have access to His wealth, we enter community spaces with a confidence that only comes from knowing that we carry miracles everywhere we go, miracles that the creator of the universe will execute, and take responsibility for.

The peace and prosperity of Te Awamutu (or whichever town you reside in) can be positively impacted by us, all we need to do is release the miracle.

Expect to see change this week. Pray your way through town as you drive or walk through each street. Pray for the businesses, owners, employees, and patrons. Pray for the council and the Mayor. Pray for the churches. Pray for God to move, to bless, and to see His good and glorious will done in each home and family. Pray healing, peace, provision, and abundance, and where there is need that you can meet, meet it.

The place we live can be permeated with the presence of God, but we need to claim the ground. We need to make a move in the spiritual realm and step one is to pray to the Lord for it.

Let’s pray:

We pray for the health, wealth, and spiritual life of the people of Te Awamutu, may each and every person be touched by the Holy Spirit of God today, may they know him intimately, and may that intimacy bless them with lives of peace and prosperity in line with God’s purpose for them, a purpose that echoes from generation to generation, and reaches far beyond the four corners of our town. Amen.
