Shine your brightest this Christmas.

Shine your brightest this Christmas

Chaos is one word we could use to describe 2021. Uncertain times, uncertain direction, uncertain outcomes, and what, at times, feels like uncertain leadership. Chaos; complete disorder and confusion. Scientists will tell you chaos can be good, and it can be bad. In the Bible we see chaos can be evil, and sin enters our world. [Good News: In response to any evil chaos, God orchestrates a plan for our redemption.] 


The Bible gives evidence of good chaos in the Creation story, and from this chaos God restored His cosmos. What was it that shifted the chaos? It was light. 


Chaos is the evidence of darkness, and we know that darkness can only occur in the absence of light, for light drives out darkness. In your life, the absence of God’s light will mean you are shrouded in darkness. This might feel like hopelessness, confusion, uncertainty, fear, or isolation. These feelings are real and are signposts that point to the absence of light. 


Jesus said to us all, “I am the light of the word, and those who embrace me will experience life-giving light, and they will never walk in darkness.” This is a hope-filled message for us all, as each one of us is invited to embrace Jesus. The Son of God came to earth so that whoever would choose to follow Him would not perish [live forever in darkness] but would receive eternal life. This “light of life,” as some call it, brings a new reality that enables us to overcome the darkness in us and around us. 


To be negative for a short paragraph, your absence of light might mean you could be described as dull. This is not good news, for dull people are not only unattractive, but they are also repulsive. We each must take responsibility for the light we carry, and what is inside of us will be transmitted outside of us.  


What will shift the chaos in your life brought on by the presence of darkness? Your answer is God’s light found in Jesus. 


When confirming His promise of a Saviour, God Himself said some 700 years before the birth of Jesus, “The people walking in darkness see a bright light; light shines on those who live in a land of deep darkness.”   


Friends, this applies to you! Your invitation has already come! The darkness is passing away and the True Light is already shining. Your answer is God’s light found in Jesus! 


As we see darkness all around, we can choose light. Amid all chaos, God is working to reveal His light in us. We can embrace the light and life of Jesus and in doing so, we expel our darkness. When we shine as light-carriers, we make it easier for others to walk out of the chaos that comes from their darkness.  


It’s not hard to find the light of Jesus, as God has placed churches in your community that are filled with people who carry this light. Find a Christian Church and you’ll find the light of Jesus.  

When we shine our brightest this Christmas, we will drive the darkness out of our community. 

** Article first featured in the Te Awamutu Courier on 20th Dec 2021