Spending Time with God

Spend some time with God today.

In the hustle and bustle, can you carve out the space to spend some time with God today?

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Matthew 6:33 (ESV)

Every time I open up the YouVersion app on my phone I am confronted with the words ‘Spend some time with God today’; if you have the app on your phone you have likely found yourself staring them down yourself.

But aside from earning your YouVersion daily refresh streak water drop are you actually spending time with God? And if you are, what does that look like? Is it a hasty prayer as your head hits the pillow? A thank you for the food mid-bite? Or is it something more?

Some days those hasty prayers are all I seem to manage, and thankfully God has grace for me, because there are other days where I don’t even manage that.

The other day I was speaking to someone about what it looks like to get to know God, and I explained it like this. When it comes to their favourite book series they know all the characters and they read the books, but they don’t stop there. They also watch the shows, they search for behind-the-scenes information, they might attempt to learn the language it was originally written in, they collect the merchandise, they read fan-fiction, they view fan art, or even create their own, and when they come across something pretending to be their favourite series they instantly disregard it and warn others off of it if it doesn’t line up with what they know.

Getting to know God, being a ‘fan-girl’ or ‘fan-boy’ of Jesus is much the same, it means searching God out, reading, watching, writing, drawing, being passionately immersed in His world and attempting to make your own life look like it could fit inside His.

While my own efforts at spending time with God can be limited, I know that I want to be His fan-girl. I want to read about heaven, the people He loves and how He interacts with them. I want to immerse myself in His world, and I want to discern when the world around me doesn’t fit His vision, and I know that only comes from investing the time.

So how are you spending time with God?


*Fan-girl = a girl or woman who is an extremely or overly enthusiastic fan of someone or something.