Stop thief!

Stop Thief!

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

Yesterday elder Phil Brown shared a message (HERE) about the ways that we can stop ‘the thief’. I encourage you to listen to the message, in the meantime I wanted to share with you the ways to stop the thief that really impacted me.

  1. Occupy

Phil spoke about two ways to ‘occupy’ as a way of protecting against the thief.

One way was to have Jesus occupy your life. Just as having people inside a house can deter a real life thief, how much more so does having Jesus present within you scare away satan and his minions? (Revelation 3:20) Jesus wants to live within us, all we have to do is invite him in.

Jesus wants to live within us, all we have to do is invite him in

The second way was to have a guard dog. Phil spoke about utilising intercessory prayer (Acts 12:1). If you join a church family you will likely have people you can ask to pray for and with you. You may even have a dedicated prayer team. The beauty of prayer is that someone can be a prayer warrior for you, and you have the opportunity to do they same for them.

The beauty of prayer is that someone can be a prayer warrior for you, and you have the opportunity to do they same for them.

  1. Security

Phil spoke about a bunch of different options like a camera, an alarm, and even a neighbourhood watch.

I was particularly interested in the neighbourhood watch. I appreciate that we are made to be there for each other (Genesis 2:18). As brothers and sisters in Christ part of our role is to be there for each other. If we see someone being attacked or robbed then we can get in alongside each other and chase the thief away. (Hebrews 10:24)

part of our role is to be there for each other

For me, guarding against the thief is all about being in relationship with people who want the best for me. God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and a loving Christian community.

Maybe its time for you to establish how you protect yourself from the thief.