Strong Enough

Strong Enough

Being, or at least feeling, enough, is not always something that comes to every person, and yet, God.

Proverbs 31:17 NIV – ”She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks..”

Proverbs 31:17 reminds me, reminds us, that our arms are strong for the task. We have, and are, exactly the right amount of who God made us to be so that we could do the job he created us to do.

our arms are strong for the task

When it comes to feeling as though we are not strong enough for what is in front of us, I encourage you to pause and look at a few things:

  1. Is God in it?

If God is in it then you can trust that like everything else He does, He will ensure it is completed (Philippians 1:6)

He will ensure it is completed

  1. Is the work actually yours?

If the job isn’t yours in the first place then it’s no wonder you are feeling the pressure of the position, and maybe it’s time to step aside and allow the person it was meant for to step up.

  1. Do you have any help?

Sometimes we don’t realise that more than one person can be assigned to a job.

Their role could be the same, or completely different to yours, but in the end you are co-workers with Christ, and once you start working with others you will quickly realise it not only allows you to lighten each other’s load, and finish the task more quickly (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12), it also allows you the opportunity to grow in skill, relationship, and wisdom (Proverbs 27:17).

It is easy to not feel equipped in life. It is easy to not feel enough. But right throughout the Bible, the God inspired word, we see that God is consistently telling us that we are enough.

Through story after story, failure after failure, achievement after achievement God shows us that we are enough, that we have enough to be who He has always intended for us to be, and do what He always intended for us to do.

If nothing else you are equipped to take the first step. To do the first thing. And perhaps, for now, that is all He is asking you to do.

You are able to take the first steps with purpose and confidence, knowing that God is fully aware of your skills and abilities, and He is confident that you can do the job He has assigned you.

He is confident that you can do the job He has assigned you