Tension for 2024

Tension for 2024

Tension is an opportunity to be transformed.
As the Lord leads us all into a fresh year there is a rich tapestry of spiritual activity, prophetic
messages and a tension that will either help us or hinder us, depending on our response.
When you resist tension it can often cause a negative outcome, while flowing with the resistance
Jesus initiates will lead us through the transformation process He knows is good for us. The process
of progress will make us stronger and able to carry the fullness of the potential the Lord has for us.

Today I want to briefly point you to three areas of our life together:

Our Posture: How we present ourselves before Jesus.

Advance and Occupy.

Slowed Down Spirituality.

Our Place: How we are connected with others.

Honour Your Family.

Covenant Connection.
Our Purpose: How we function as part of a bigger picture.

You Were Created For A Purpose.

You Were Created For Submission.