The Belt of Truth

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place. Ephesians 6:14 NIV

This verse in Ephesians is about the armour of God and is found in a passage about spiritual warfare. It’s purpose is to prepare us so we can stand against the strategies of the devil, and it begins by introducing us to the belt of truth!

Have you ever worn pants that are too loose? Recently I wore a pair of jeans to a concert, unfortunately I had forgotten to bring a belt. And even though they were quite tight-fitting jeans, I had to be careful not to bend over to avoid my butt crack being exposed. I managed to pull the evening off with flashing anyone, but my night out would have been more enjoyable if I had remembered to pack a belt. I would
have been able to dance and do what I liked without fear of those around me getting an eyeful of my behind.

That’s why the first item of the armour out God is the belt of truth. Unless we live in truth, we risk been exposed. A lie will be discovered, and you will be left naked and exposed in that lie. The simplest way to avoid this is to put on the belt of truth. Live your life and actions in a way that there is no deceit in them. Jesus states this about the devil.

When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44 NIV.

The Armour of God is about spiritual warfare; resisting the plans and purposes of the devil. We cannot hope to resist him if we are speaking his native language.

I know most of you reading this live upright lives and would not dream of lying to other people. But a lot of us believe lies about ourselves: we are not good enough, we are unlovable, we are a failure, or we have missed the boat on God’s calling on our lives, etc. But as the truth of who you are in Christ is revealed to you, the belt of truth will be an even better fit on you!

Let’s pray: Lord, I thank you for the armour of God. Help me to put it on daily. And as I buckle up the Belt of Truth, please reveal any lies I am believing about myself. For I know the truth that Jesus loves me. That I am good enough, because of the cross and that God has a good plan and purpose for me. Amen.

First published in the Bible Society’s – Reflections on Truth 31 Day Devotional