The Body of Christ

The Body of Christ

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27

A body isn’t made up of all one thing. As Phil Brown shared in this weeks message HERE, we aren’t all eyes, ears, hands, or feet.

we aren’t all eyes, ears, hands, or feet.

I’m not sure what your life looks like, I can only speak from my own experience, and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, that when I focused on what others had and were doing, rather than what I had and was doing I started to move away from my true purpose.

What I noticed about moving away from my purpose, namely the people and tasks that I had been charged with, I didn’t get any happier. I didn’t feel more. If anything, chasing after somebody else’s purpose left me feeling overwhelmed. I can only put this down to the reality that the thing I was chasing after wasn’t meant for me.

chasing after somebody else’s purpose left me feeling overwhelmed

If I am a fingernail, there is no point in me trying to be a nose. I wasn’t made for that.

The other thing worth noting is that as a ‘fingernail’ I cannot expect a ‘nose’ to be able to do what I can do, and when I do have these unrealistic expectations, a few things are likely to happen. I will get frustrated, and the ‘nose’ will feel bad.

If however I expect a ‘nose’ to do what a ‘nose’ was made for, not only will they flourish, so will I. There is something about encouraging someone to do, or build into what they are made for that creates an overflow of joy.

This week I encourage you to consider what your role might be in the body of Christ. I also encourage you to speak life into the people around you, let them know what a great job they are doing using their gifts.

As members of the body of Christ we can know that no matter how big or small our role in the body is, your purpose has value, and without your presence the body would not function as it was made to.

your purpose has value