The Bridegroom

The Bridegroom

“And at midnight a cry was heard; Behold the Bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him” Matt 25:6

In the last week I have had to take my turn and stay at home while unwell and much of the time was spent resting and reading.  As my brain was struggling to tackle in depth reading I chose easy Christian novels. They were historic with some factual content and the main characters invariably fell in love!…. and being a Christian author the characters were always drawn to behaving honourably and with truth. The books were hard to put down ( there’s not much else to do whilst unwell) and it was such a nice retreat into order, truth, good behaviour, friendship, loyalty, honour and all those heroic qualities that I believe we were designed for.

Christ is described as our bridegroom – how does that description affect you? Does the joy, consuming love, hope, all-in-boots-n-all approach take you by surprise? We’ve been told so often that God is love, Jesus loves you…. but our bridegroom?  And he’s coming back to get YOU….His bride..

Christ is described as our bridegroom

Mat 25:13 ‘watch therefore for you do not know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of man is coming”

Are you prepared? Do you have enough “oil” in your lamps as the 5 wise virgins did who were waiting for their beloved?  Matt 25:1-13

Are you prepared? Do you have enough “oil” in your lamps

Our longings for love, hope and romance are fulfilled in Christ who will come again and take us to be with him wherever He is.

Take a moment to adore Him, the God of gods, the King of kings, and the one who laid down His life for you, just so you could be with Him for eternity.

Take a moment to adore Him

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent…”  John 17:3