
The Way of Faith – Abraham

In this series, our aim is to explore different facets of this way of faith, different perspectives we can consider to shape the way we live our lives.

In this series, we will examine some of the heroes of faith we see mentioned in the Hall of Faith, as Hebrews chapter 11 is sometimes called.

In this series, our hope is that you will respond in faith to the life God is calling you to live. For some, that will mean responding to the invitation of Jesus to live a life fully surrendered to Him as Lord of your life. For others, it may look like you taking a step of faith relating to work, family finances, or community. 

We must remember, faith is an action word!

Click the video link above to watch the message and learn from the faith of Abraham.

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. (Hebrews 11:8)

You can download the Personal Devotion here:

Remember, your challenge this week is to connect with someone else and complete the devotion. In addition, we recommend choosing to fast something specific for 5 days. As you do, we believe God will meet you.