There are good things on the horizon

There are good things on the horizon

Life can feel inescapably difficult at times. With everything that can be thrown at us it can be hard to be positive, but the Bible constantly reminds us that there are good things on the horizon.

Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God knows the plans He has for us. He hasn’t planned evil things, but instead will give us each a future and a hope.

Of course that promise can be hard to hold on to in the midst of fear, trial, and confrontation. It can be almost impossible to see how God is moving in our lives. But He is.

God is moving in our lives

It’s times like these that we need to remind ourselves of what He has done so far in our lives. It’s times like these, as mentioned in Hebrews 11:1, where we need to have faith in what we do not see.

But what does faith look like?

If you do a keyword search in BibleGateway one thing that comes up when searching ‘faith‘ is that the people who are listed as being’ in God’ walked with Him.

They lived their lives. They walked and talked with God. Supported their families. Worked their jobs. They did all the normal everyday things with an awareness of who God was, who He said they were, and what He said was theirs.

They did all the normal everyday things with an awareness of who God was

I believe if they can walk with God, then we can too, but the reality is that everyone’s walk is going to look different.

Age, gender, socio-economic status, family dynamic, even health will affect what each of our walks look like. But the one thing that isn’t different is that we can include God in every part of our lives.

we can include God in every part of our lives

Much like we consider the wants, needs, and likes of a parent, spouse, or child when making a decision, we can also take into account the wants needs and desires of our God.

Finding out God’s wants, needs, and desires can be as simple as opening your Bible.

A great example of things He does and doesn’t like can be found in Exodus 20 (The Ten Commandments)

In Galatians 5:22-23 you find ‘The Fruits of the Spirit‘ which are a clear indication of the type of character God esteems.

As we live in faith. As we search for, live, and grow into the Commandments and fruits of the Spirit it is likely we will find ourselves searching each day for signs of His presence, and how much easier is it to have hope in the things to come when we have indisputable daily evidence of His presence?

With God as part of our daily decision making it gets a lot easier to see that there are good things on the horizon.