Vision Blockers – Canaanites


The Canaanites were a nation who sought to rule the entire land.  Their name means “dominant”.

What does this look like in your life?  This looks like:

  • greed for more than you have
  • lust for things that are not yours
  • dishonour of leaders around you

To overcome the Canaanites and remove the power of greed for more from our lives we can Repent, Remove and Replace.  We repent to turn away from wrong thinking and false belief, we ask God to remove by His Holy Spirit and we replace with God’s Truth as found in scripture. This can be accessed by seeking purity of heart. Only the Lord can bring this purity as you submit to Him.


Here are some scriptures that you can declare over your life;

Proverbs 4:23(ESV)
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.

Psalm 51:10(NIV)
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.


Here is a prayer that will help you to move into freedom from the weakness of the past life;

Prayer Guide: Father thank you for your redeeming love, love that extends beyond sin, love that releases light in the darkness, love that disables shame and fear. I ask that you enter my heart fully, no door closed off to you, would you dwell in me that I may walk in fullness of freedom and goodness that you desire for me. I ask that you would keep my heart accountable to those things that are not of your heart or of your Kingdom, that you would give me courage and boldness to share in my sin that I may be set free from it. Father I ask that you give me a heart that would carry and release life and a spirit that would remain steadfast in your truth and promises.