Weather Bomb In Church

Church was crazy on Sunday!

I would never have imagined a weather bomb exploding like that inside our church building!
As I prepared my message titled “See God.  Know God.” I certainly spent time praying and asking the Lord to demonstrate His Power.  I expected this to look like healing and freedom as the Holy Spirit ministered to people after the service.  But we got so much more than that!

As I was speaking the weather storm outside the building got more severe; the wind and rain were intense and then, suddenly the temperature dropped.  Suddenly the hail came across the carpark horizontal and beat against the windows with such a fierce force the sound-guy had to turn up the volume so people could hear me.  Competing with the storm in a futile attempt to keep the attention of the audience I declared “The Lord wants to show us His Power so that we might believe!”

And then the weather came inside.

As the eyes all turned upward we were amazed to see the soft snow-like substance drift from the ceiling into the aisle.  The hail from outside had made its way through the vent and was now lightly falling onto the carpet.

A freak of nature?  Yes.

Can we explain this in practical terms?  Of course?

But do we believe God came to show His Power?  Most definitely!
More than that, we had testimonies of healing as we prayed for specific ailments and situations.  I love how God shows up when we ask.