What’s the Big Deal?

What’s the Big Deal?

I absolutely love Christmas!

I love everything about it, from the tree beautifully decorated, to the lights around town, to the Christmas songs on repeat, to the festivities and food, I love it all! Every single bit of it!


Every year I plan my theme months in advance. Presents are pretty much finished in November and the countdown starts early….and I mean super early, like February early. It brings me so much happiness. They joy is real and tangible and I am a way nicer person to be around!

And the Hallmark movies, well don’t even get me started on my love of those cheesy predictable sparkly movies!


Now, you may be saying to yourself, what’s all the fuss about? It’s turned into a commercial, money-making public holiday, so why make such a big deal?


Well, for me it is a big deal!
And here are a couple of other people for who I’m sure found it a big deal:


It was a big deal for Mary when an Angel came to her and told her she would be having a baby.

It was a big deal for Joseph who was also visited by an Angel, and subsequently stuck by Marys side.

It was a big deal for Mary & Joseph when they travelled for over 5 days to get to Bethlehem and then found themselves with nowhere to stay but in a stable.

It was a big deal for the wise men who travelled 4-5 months to see the babe.

It was a big deal for the shepherds who followed the star to find their Saviour.

It was a big deal for the Prophets who had prophesied the birth.

It was a big deal to all of humanity whose lives were forever changed, all because God thought it was a big deal to send us His son.


And so yes, I make it a big deal. I celebrate the birth of the man who changed my destiny. The man who saved me from a life of despair and anguish. The man who showed me hope, love and unconditional acceptance.

I will sing songs of worship at the top of my lungs and with everything in me. I will linger under the dim of the Christmas lights and say a prayer of thanks for all he has done. I will read His word, the story of His birth and try to understand what a big deal it was for everyone involved.

All he has done for me is a big deal, in fact, it is a very big deal and so I will make it a big deal every Christmas as my way of showing thanks and gratitude for all He has done.


