When He Says Jump

When he says jump

Many of you will have heard the expression ‘When they say ‘jump’. You say, ‘how high?’’. This saying originally came from the military and is used to indicate unquestioning and collaborative obedience.  

Last week God said jump, and in all honestly, I couldn’t discern if it was from Him. It ticked all the boxes that generally indicate that it is from him, like the fruits of the spirit, but it was a little too far out of my comfort zone. During a Sunday sermon that had nothing to do with missions, I felt an unwavering knowing that I needed to join the team going to Indonesia on mission in January.

On the Monday, I told Ps Phil that I was coming to Indonesia, I didn’t know how or why, just that I knew I needed to go. By the Tuesday, the enemy had sown seeds of doubt. I stood in Phils office, and said, I don’t think it was from God whole on the verge of bawling my eyes out because of how uncomfortable the idea of going to Indonesia is for me.

Fast forward to the Hearing from God 101 workshop from the School of Faith, and I knew without a doubt that my desire to go to Indonesia was from God. I learned that I do, in fact, hear from God and maybe it was time to start listening. 

God told me to jump with both feet and know without a doubt that He will make it happen. I didn’t ask ‘how high?’, I just asked ‘how?’. I battle daily with my mind, my health, my nicotine addiction, my finances, my energy levels, and I didn’t understand how God would be able to put all these things aside for two weeks so it would be possible for me to go, but I didn’t need to. 

What I received back was this: 

but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:30-31 NIV 

When God asks you to jump, He may expect obedience, but he doesn’t want your response to be ‘how high?’, He wants your trust, knowing that as Abba, Father, He will never let you fall. He knows the plans he has for us, He works from eternity backwards, and He may encourage us to break down the walls of our comfort zone, but he will not fail us. 

And so, I am jumping with both feet, trusting completely in the Lord because I know that I cannot do this alone. I will soar, and so will you. 

As you go about your week, listen for God, and jump with both arms outstretched towards the plans that he has for you. 
