On Wednesday I had a meeting to go to so I felt in a bit of a rush. Before I went, I wanted to take some time to just focus on God and His goodness. I had to set a timer so I wouldn’t be late for my meeting and then I just started praising God, thanking Him and asking Him if He wanted me to do something for Him that day. Then I waited on God, I saw a man walking to Waikeria prison, he had grey hair and a black leather jacket. I thought to God, it would be nice if I had a name for this man. And James came to mind. So I thought, ok I am looking out for this man on my way past Kihikihi today and I will give him a lift to the prison. As if to add to my thoughts I heard …and he will bless you.
I had my doubts about meeting him but thought to God that I will take this step of faith. I had to pick up some things from Countdown and bought me and James a chocolate. As I got back into the car I cleared my car seat so he had a place to sit and started driving. I reached my destination and there was no James to be seen. I told the ladies I was meeting about it and one of them said that I should let her know when I find James. I said I would, but could feel the doubts creep in again.
I drove past Waikeria turnoff and still no James. I said out aloud to God: “God clearly I can’t hear your voice and this is all in my head because this morning I thought it was a message for today. I will call these ladies and tell them this was just my imagination.” At that very moment, I saw a white van parked on the side of the road and the man inside had grey hair. My first thought was Surely not!
I turned the car around to get a better look at what he was wearing and couldn’t see. I thought to God: “Lord, today someone is going to get a chocolate, even if his name isn’t James.” So I turned around again and parked behind the van. I got out of my car, knocked on the window as the man ate his lunch and I said to him. “Hello I know this sounds strange but can I ask what your name is please?” He said “It’s Dennis”. I could feel my disappointment well up and said to him “ Hi Dennis, I just feel that I would like to bless you today and I gave him the bar of chocolate.”
He said: “Thank you so much, you are obviously a Christian and I am too, I am on my way to Waikeria prison and I needed this encouragement today.” So I told him about my prayer that morning, about him having grey hair and him being on his way to Waikeria prison. I also told him that I had the name wrong. I thought it was James. He smiled and said “Yes that is my second name. Dennis James…” and he did give his last name but I only took in Dennis James…He said “What a Mighty and Holy God we serve”. By this time we both had tears in our eyes amazed at how good God is and we spoke for a while, we got to pray together and gave God thanks that He heard and saw us both that morning. I prayed that God will use him mightily in his teaching that morning”
Dennis James lives in Hamilton and goes to Waikeria prison every two weeks to talk to the inmates there. He has been doing this for many years. He told me that he usually has his lunch at the spot where I met him. On Wednesday he was going to give a talk to 17 inmates and as he handed me a copy of his notes on what he was speaking on, we both teared up again. It was titled “When the Holy Spirit moves”