When You’re Waiting

Waiting is not my favourite kind of word really. It’s kind of like the word patience. I’m not too good at either of them to be honest. I am a “now” kind of a person, but over the years God has been teaching me ‘to wait’ – wait for the right time, wait for the door to open for a ministry role, wait to move to a new house or move overseas…

My question to God is what am I supposed to do while I wait?

God knows I don’t just dive into study or read the bible all day long, He knows I hate waiting, so what am I to do? Here I am faced with waiting again. Waiting in a time of lockdown or rahui. A time where I can’t go to work or I can’t visit people for a pastoral care visit, I can’t just go to the shops (which I’m sure Craig is happy about haha). This is a time of waiting. Waiting for the all clear, however long that takes.

As I was reading my devotion today God showed me that waiting is not a waste of time! David was called by God to be Israel’s next King – but he was in a cave hiding in fear and wondering, “Where is God in all of this?” what did David do? David encouraged himself in the Lord. David reminded himself of God’s faithfulness. This is what God wants us to do. He wants us to remember what God has done for us. What about Joseph? Potiphar threw Joseph into prison. Joseph didn’t lay there thinking, “This is the break I’ve been waiting for.” No! Waiting in prison was rough. It tested his patience big time, but Joseph did not give up, he pressed into God.

What are you doing in the waiting?

While we are waiting – let’s make our homes a place of praise, a place of worship, a place of joy and laughter, a place where God dwells with us and in us. If we do this it will help us to hold on a little longer.

Psalm 27:14
Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD.

Kia kaha,