Who is Jesus

Who is Jesus

Zion Kids.

Hi all I have been asked to share a bit about what we have planned for Zion Kids this term.

Maiken and I (Laura) have teamed up to lead our kids in a time of worship, fellowship, and knowledge growth!

We both have a heart for our young people to really know who Jesus is and that he is just not some legend.

They might have heard about a nice guy who lived a long time ago and did some cool things, died on a cross and rose again, but we want them to grow in understanding that Jesus is alive today, Jesus is rooting for them, and that Jesus is steadfast.

We want to give them the opportunity to know Jesus for themselves and desire to know him more.

We hope they will build a relationship with Jesus and know when people talk about praying, they are not scared to do so, or think they will get it wrong, because they will know they are praying and chatting with Jesus and his heavenly father God.

We want to share with them that the bible is more than just some ‘nice’ stories, it is the living word of God that is relevant for us today and always. The bible tells us a lot about who Jesus was and is, and through seeing and hearing how Jesus lived, we can see, and hear, and know about God.  

On more than one occasion in John we read that all Jesus said, and did, was passing on the heart, mind and voice of God.
John 5:19 – “So Jesus answered them ‘I tell you the truth: the Son can do nothing on his own; he does only what he sees his father doing. What the father does the Son also does’”

John 12:50 – “And I know that his command brings eternal life. What I say, then is what the father has told me to say”

When you read through the new testament we can see how Jesus is a great role model of how us mere Human beings should live our lives, Jesus showed love in his attitude and actions towards people, he showed us how to pray, and the need to pray to God, he followed and obeyed Gods law and plans, he showed passion, he turned to God for help and strength, he quoted scripture in his battle with the devil, he took time to rest and spend time with God and shared Gods heart and desire for people reminding them of who God is.

It blows my mind the self-sacrifice Jesus gave so that EVERYONE has the opportunity to live in eternity with God. All praise be to God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.

At the end of the day when you really know who Jesus is, who would not want to be his friend and know he has your back!!!

Can I ask that you join me in praying for the adults leading in Zion Kid’s, to share God’s word and truth in a way he knows the kids need. Pray for the children who are the next generation of God’s army, that they will have a new revelation of Jesus. Pray the children feel connected and loved by the church as Christ loves them and desires relationship and connection with them.

John 3:16, Colossians 1:9 and Luke 18:16

Have blessed and awesome week knowing God LOVES YOU!