highway to hell

Without Jesus We’re Stuffed

Some of you might look the state of our nation and think, “We are heading to hell in a handbag!”  I am confident the world is not heading that way, but you may be.

Hell is the current reality for any life with the absence of Jesus now.

Looking at the evidence around us, we could easily make a hopeless judgement and what we think as a result of what we see shapes our feelings.  

Well, friends, life might feel like we are heading to destruction, but I can assure you there is a God Who cares, is active and He will move soon in a way that causes us all to stop in awe and wonder.  (Check out Ex 2:24-25 [NLT]).  God is willing to be involved in our drama, you can be sure of that!  (Jon 1:2, Jn 3:16, 2 Pt 3:9, 1 Jn 3:16).

Truth is, folks, we have caused our lives (and our world) to fall away from the pattern that works best.  We have fallen away from design, we have fallen away from our heritage, and this, without question, is why life feels like hell.  Hell will be the eternal dwelling place for any soul who decides to deny the Name of Jesus, and this will forever be the real experience for multitudes — eternity without Jesus.  However, hell is also the current reality for any life with the absence of Jesus now.  As I say, without Jesus, we’re stuffed.

I have to ask;  how’s that working out for you?

We were made in God’s image, which means we each carry the eternal essence of the nature of God. We are not identical to God for that would make us divine.  But, make no mistake, we are made in the likeness of divine nature — this means we were created to spend eternity with our Maker.  We miss the mark when we miss our intended purpose for our existence.

God is not lonely, for He is fully satisfied with his existence.  However, for some unknown reason, God decided He would create us in His likeness for His pleasure.  This means God is delighted in who you are and He really, really wants to have your life turned toward Him.  He is always turned toward you and knows your life is better when your life is turned toward Him.

Being made in God’s image (likeness) means we were created to be in relationship, fellowship and partnership with Him.  Think about your life in this way and it might just get better.  To be in relationship with God means turning your life toward Him, and that means acknowledging Him.  When you admit your need for God, He comes and makes His home in your life.  Truly, this is the moment you are truly born!  

To be in fellowship with God is to enjoy life with Him, for it is one thing to admit He exists, but it something completely better to walk with Him daily.  (Even devils acknowledge God, but they certainly don’t live each day in His Presence!)  To share fellowship is to share in each other’s interests.  God is absolutely and fully committed to your life, and is waiting for you to be interested in what interests Him.

And finally, your life purpose is wrapped up in partnership with God.  The Creator of all existence, Who lives outside of the bounds of time, wants very much to co-labour with you in the goings on of our world.  This blows my mind and yet woos me in like a school-boy.  I want to be connected with and partnering with the One who has numbered my days and prepared me in advance for success.  Sure, I have enjoyed success apart from Him, but I (eventually) discovered my self-generated success is worth nothing in comparison to living in relationship, fellowship and partnership with my Maker.

When we fall away from connection with God we experience life in the limits of what we can manage in our own strength and capability.  This is far short of our best life and exceedingly short of what God imagined when He nurtured our nature and crafted our character.  Therefore, the undeniable reality (according to evidence) is living our best life is only achieved when we live with Jesus.  Without Jesus we’re stuffed.

The undeniable reality is living our best life is only achieved when we live with Jesus.

In helping others to design their life of purpose on purpose I often bear witness to what I call a “Come to Jesus” moment.  In practical terms, this is a crossroad often dressed as crisis, a pivotal point of potential offered in promise, or significant sojourn in solace.  

It sounds like “what the actual” with a slice of proverbial hitting the fan.  It feels like hell, but when you know God is involved you are assured of more pure priorities and a more desirable destination.  A “Come to Jesus” moment, as I call them, carries the conception of eternal rebirth where life begins.

To be fair, when reflecting on my own “Come to Jesus” moments, they are pretty shocking.  The best analogy I can think of is a yank on a leash that corrects an animal — well, that’s how it feels for me!  Sometimes a shock is what we need, don’t you think?  If we insulate ourselves from shocking moments we run the risk of isolating ourselves from life-change that is good for us.  All of that to say this; don’t avoid your “Come to Jesus” moment.

A “Come to Jesus” moment carries the conception of eternal rebirth where life begins.

To close, I think the old adage is appropriate.  If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.  May I suggest the reason your world is in chaos, the reason you feel like life is not as good as it should be or could be, is the absence of the rule of a God Who has your best life in His grand scheme.  Maybe, just maybe, you need to accept that without Jesus, you’re stuffed.

It may well be the you read this with personal indignation or internal pride, confident this assessment be not applicable in your circumstances.  Well, that may be true and your life will stay as glorious as it is now.  But don’t deny the world is in need of a saviour.  Be open to accepting the influence of the True Saviour in your community, your family, your metron.  Perhaps you could be so bold as to say to those around you, “Without Jesus, you’re stuffed”, and then point them to Him as the answer.  

Jesus is always willing to be introduced to a new friend.