Your Power Over Insecurity

Your Power Over Insecurity

God often speaks to me when I’m mowing the grass.  These are two things I like to do; making the yard look great and getting lost in convo with Father. 

Recently the Lord spoke to me about an assignment of the enemy, which pricked my ears up inside my earmuffs and made the lines in the grass a little inconsistent.  (How does one succeed at doing two things at once?!) 

The Lord opened my mind to what I call a spiritual revelation. It’s a feeling that comes with a knowing, a confident peace that I’ve learned to recognise as affirmation that God has spoken with me.  He said, “There’s a spirit of insecurity operating that is seeking to weaken my people and cause them to shrink away from the life I have for them.” 

The Lord opened my mind to what I call a spiritual revelation.

Before we get into the message, let me unpack something for you.  I don’t like giving spirits names as that’s above my pay grade – only God has that authority.  I think of these terms as descriptions that reveal their nature.  So think of ‘grumpy Jane’ or ‘Harry in a hurry’ and you may get the picture.  Let’s face it, an unclean spirit is just that; unclean.  These spirits are demons and are the messengers of satan.  They are the enemy of our soul, (see John 10:10). 

When I use a name like this, I liken it to describing the personality and behavioral traits, which give us clues to their unclean assignment.  As they are in opposition to us, they seek to use their ‘trait’ to make their assignment effective in destroying us.   

Don’t get weirded out, this is normal Christianity.  “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”  (Eph 6:12).  Ignoring this reality doesn’t make it unreal, it just puts you under the unclean influence with no power.  

So, back to the message that led to crooked lines on my lawn.  An unclean spirit who operates with insecurity will seek to impose the characteristic of their nature upon you and your environment.  In this case, you will feel a tendency toward insecure thoughts and demonstrate the subsequent insecure behaviour.  For me, I instantly recognised a couple of situations where I had tried to hide, withdrawing from confrontation in fear instead of standing up in holy confidence to oppose my opponents. 

I brought this message to the wisdom of our prayer group the next day and there was an agreement in the unity of God’s Spirit that affirmed what God was saying.  But more than a message for me, we believe this is a message for the church.  This is a corporate word that requires corporate solutions. 

I brought this message to the wisdom of our prayer group

My intention is to unpack this further with deeper teaching and prayer to break any unclean influences that are seeking to destroy us.  In the meantime, may I suggest the first key that will give you back the power in your circumstances. 

“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.  Stand firm against him and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are.” (1 Peter 5: 8-9) 

Your first key is to be aware. 

Your first key is to be aware.  When you sense a feeling of insecurity, pray against it in the following way.  “I choose to reject the spirit of insecurity and turn to embrace the Spirit of adoption.  In this, I am a child of God.”  This will help you move out from under the influence of any unclean spirit that is operating in your world. 

Watch out for more teaching on this and an opportunity to be a part of God’s solution!