Your Way to God’s Heart 

I got lost in Psalm 119 this morning. That’s not a difficult thing considering there are 176 verses contained in the longest chapter in the Bible. But I actually got lost in the beginning, in the first stanza – that’s like getting lost at the edge of the woods, or even in the car park! 

There’s a disagreement over the author of this Psalm, the purists say David, but my money is with those who prefer Ezra the Scribe. Both are worthy candidates as they have a demonstrated track record through their writings of being open before the Lord (and us) in how they hide nothing before the Creator they worship. We could learn a lot from this. 

they hide nothing before the Creator they worship.

This chapter is literary genius, and we see the fingerprints of Holy Spirit all over the words.  Most Bibles will include a footnote describing the structure for those of us who cannot read Hebrew.  There are 22 sections, called stanzas, one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Each stanza contains eight verses, and each verse begins with that same letter. The wonder of this marvel tends to get lost in translation, but it’s a good excuse to praise the Lord for the beauty of His gift of The Word. 

The beginning of Psalm 119 was amazing for me this morning. My NKJV translation adds a heading; Meditations on the Excellencies of the Word of God. And that’s what this entire Psalm does for us, it brings our attention back to the Word of God and its importance in our lives. In my modern day lingo; without God’s Word we will ruin ourselves! 

without God’s Word we will ruin ourselves!”

Appreciate the vulnerability of the author before God and man as he declares; 

Oh, that my ways were directed to keep Your statutes!
Then I would not be ashamed, when I look into all Your commandments. (v5-6)

Don’t disconnect from the source of Life as you struggle with life

Let us not downgrade the Bible to a task in our morning routine, or a warming companion on a cold walk. Don’t disconnect from the source of Life as you struggle with life. And, whatever you do, don’t delegate this relationship to another. Become “entangled” in His Word and be blessed by God as you do the very thing God desires for you. 

Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart!  (v2)