Temple and Table

ZION Temple and Table

We have certainly experienced some disruption this year, haven’t we?  We have seen pandemic, lockdowns and mandates.  I think it’s fair to say that none of us are pleased with any of these as they cause discomfort, dissention, diversion, disconnection, delays and disruption.  In every disruption we have an opportunity to see things differently, and in this we can find diversity in the ways we do life. 

As church leaders we always seek to find a way forward.  Even when we feel like we are going backwards, we can still be progressing.  Over this year the Elders of ZION have been seeking the leading of God in our conversation titled, “What might church look like?” 

For some time we have been expressing our desire to see a greater connection between church family, and greater expression of the gifts within each of the members of ZION.  You will have seen this desire outworking in the practical aspects of church gatherings, both in the building and online. 

Our time of sharing testimonies has been birthed in our desire to see Jesus glorified through our lives.  As we invite others to share their story, we are making room for each person to have a story that points others to Jesus.  This is not a time for a ‘Personal Update’ – rather sharing a moment of the miraculous that can only be explained by the answer, “but God!” 

Our time of sharing testimonies has been birthed in our desire to see Jesus glorified through our lives.

We have expanded our team who share messages and devotions, birthed from our desire to see gifts in use and growing as faith is extended and comfort zones are expanded!  Personally, I am delighted to see individuals grow as they say “Yes” to opportunities.  I can only expect more as God continues to move among His people. 

Leaders of ministry areas are emerging, and we are seeing new strategies and deeper levels of involvement across the church and into the community. 

These benefits are a large part of our motivation as we launch the season of “Temple and Table.”  We will continue to meet in a corporate gathering, together in the building for a time of worship and expression of our faith in God.  We must not deny meeting together, as instructed by scripture.  But one of the core disadvantages of the corporate meeting as the sole act of worship is that most of the work of worship is carried by a few people.  Many come to church to participate, but this looks like sitting and standing only.   

It is just not practically possible to engage the majority of attendees in a corporate gathering, nor is it preferred.  This is where worship at the Table compliments worship at the Temple

When we gather at the Table together, we are creating a more personal space where connection can be enhanced.  This allows us to become ministers to each other, expressing our gifts in practical ways that are not so easily used in a corporate setting.  Connecting with each other around a table (figuratively speaking) means you can encourage one another through testimony, prayer and prophetic ministry.  You can bless each other with insight from scripture and you can support one another through accountability and service. 

When we gather at the Table together, we are creating a more personal space where connection can be enhanced.

Click this link to read some suggestions for gathering at your Table. 

Our desire is that creating more frequent connections around your Table might be the catalyst that sees a deeper, authentic, loving connection established in the Body of Christ we call ZION. 

Who are you going to invite to your table this summer?