What is God saying

What is God saying?

Jesus was pretty clear where He took His lead from. 

“I don’t speak on my own authority. The Father who sent me has commanded me what to say and how to say it.  And I know his commands lead to eternal life; so I say whatever the Father tells me to say.” (John 12: 49-50) 

“I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.”  (John 5:19) 

What appears critical to me here is a strong, personal and frequent connection with God as a Father.  In this capacity, God is defining a pathway and providing guidance.  What is also obvious, is that Jesus was fully dependent on this guidance. 

Are we dependent on God’s guidance? 

Sometimes, when people are a little lost or they need guidance, they come and find me for a quiet chat over a cuppa.  I guess they hope that I might tell them what to do, but that’s not my goal.  In each of these instances I seek to point someone back to God as their guide.  If I can help with that, then I’m happy to. 

A key question I use to help point people back to God is this; “what is the last thing you know God said to you?”  In referring back to this moment we are seeking to establish a stable anchor point for reference.  We all know how easy it is to get diverted or distracted in our life, so coming back to a certain, defined and sure moment is helpful. 

“what is the last thing you know God said to you?”

Phil Strong

Can we hear God’s voice? 

As God’s children we have each heard His voice at some point.  After all, how can we be saved without first accepting His invitation? 

It is possible that you’re in a season where you find it difficult to hear God’s voice.  Every now and then we have a quiet season or a difficult time.  Don’t beat yourself up for this, just quietly work on building a stronger connection.  Again, this is something I love to help people with. 

A simple technique I teach often is helping people to ask God a question that is designed to help strengthen our personal connection with Him as our Heavenly Father.  This question is; “Father God, is there something I am believing about you that is not true, according to you?”  And then we can add; “Please show me what is true to you.” 

Our final prayer in this journey is to then reject any thought or belief that is not true according to God and to accept and receive the Truth that He shows you. 

With a renewed connection with God, we can ask for guidance and be sure that He is speaking.  Like Jesus, when we know what God is saying we can move forward in confidence. 

With a renewed connection with God, we can ask for guidance and be sure that He is speaking.

Phil Strong
  • Phil Strong